The foundation of any land development project is the earthwork. This is a critical phase of construction and can represent many unknowns, if earthwork is not performed correctly, the entire project as a whole can be compromised.
Hall Company is considered, by the industry, a chief earthwork contractor fully capable of equipping and managing large mass excavation and site grading projects. We understand all aspects of earthwork construction, and are skilled at handling different types of soil conditions, which benefits our clients in the state of Florida. |
_■ Compaction Concepts
_■ Earthwork
_■ Drainage
_■ Embankment Foundations
_■ Earthwork for Retaining Structures and Abutments
_■ Environment Considerations
_■ Instrumentation for Embankments
_■ Retention/ Detention Ponds
The most important requirement to a successful completion in building roadways, parking lots, driveways, etc. is a sound sub-base which meets the specified requirements. Hall Company has had extensive experience with all sub-base materials and has expert professionals preparing a solid foundation for each and every project.
Hall Company's Asphalt Division specializes in all asphalt needs, large or small. This division is not limited to the installation of new asphalt, but includes the following:
_■ Sealcoating
_■ Pot Hole Repair
_■ Reconstruction
_■ Drainage Correction Crack and Joint Repair
_■ Striping
_■ Speed Bumps
_■ Repair and Overlays of Existing Asphalt
All sites areas must be completely cleared prior to the start of any excavation project. Hall Company is highly qualified in all types of land clearing and all projects are carefully studied by our land clearing experts. We use all necessary equipment, i.e. Bulldozers, skidders loaders, specialized tub grinders, chippers, and a variety of other logging equipment to ensure a successful completion of any land clearing situation. Hall Company offers land clearing services of any size for ANY AND ALL CONSTRUCTION.
This area of site development is crucial in that if not properly constructed could create enormous problems to a finished project. An expert licensed utility contractor, possessing the required license, resources and equipment, is a requisite for the successful performance of any sanitary sewer, lift stations, water distribution, and storm drainage installations. Hall Company offers this expertise on every project. Our utility construction experience has been proven time and time again. Hall Company further offers installation of the following:
_■ Large Diameter systems
_■ Underground Detention systems
_■ Retention/Detention Basins
_■ Culverts
_■ Deep Excavations
_■ Adverse Subsurface Conditions
_■ De-Watering Requirements
_■ Trench Shoring
_■ Lift Stations